Celebrating 25 Years Together,
17 Years in France,
& 6 Children
About us
We are a bilingual, missional, family woodshop in the French countryside, just across the border from Geneva and we are passionate about the sovereignty and glory of God in Jesus Christ and the Reformation.
We have previously lived in America, Greece, and Germany.
France has been our home for 17 years.
We are raising six, multi-lingual, multi-national children
born in three different countries.
Our Ministry Projects
Your purchase of a Calvin's Chair replica artwork goes to support
the following ministry projects:
We supply the top free, online, OT & NT Sunday school curriculum which has been accessed by Francophones in over 40 countries around the world.
1/10th of 1 Percent
The Vendée is the least-reached department of western France, where Christ-followers number only 1/10th of 1 percent. We are currently seeking funds for a property for youth camps and pastoral retreats.
Safe House Network
In 2016, we received an emergency phone call from a family of six who was given 24 hours to evacuate the closed country they were in. Since that time we have had a dedicated space available to house French pastors, French Bible school students, French missionaries preparing to head out, and missionaries needing to get out of closed countries.
And have you seen the footage of the urban riots in cities all across France? Pastors and missionaries need safe places for their families.
At present we have more demand than available space and need your help to establish a network of safe houses across France.
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